Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sarah is 4 weeks old...growing like crazy

Sarah just turned 4 weeks old yesterday. I think this picture really captures her temperament well. She is so calm and mellow the majority of the time unless she is hungry, tired, or needs to burp. She's very easy to please :) It's amazing to me how different two siblings can be!
Ok, so I'm amazed at this child of mine. For the first few weeks, Sarah went quite awhile in between feedings. Of course being the paranoid mother that I am, I had to take her into the doctor's office to have her weighed to make sure she was gaining ok. At 3 weeks old, Sarah weighed 10 lbs 2 oz! She was 7 lbs 5 oz at birth so she had gained nearly 3 lbs! I couldn't believe it. But, check out those cheeks! She weighs what Reagan weighed at 10 weeks old. Looks like we're going to have a little chunk in our family :) Reagan ate every 2 hours until 8 months and was always thin as a rail. Again, so many differences!
I just can't believe how fast she's growing!

In other news, Reagan went to nursery for the first time yesterday. I've been paranoid about sending her earlier because we're in the middle of sick season and I just hate when she gets sick. But, it's going to happen so oh well. Erik and I (especially Erik) have been looking forward to this day for a really long time! Now Erik can actually get something out of the rest of the church meetings. Hopefully Sarah decides to take her time in walking. Reagan walking at 9 months old made for a very long 9 months until she was ready for nursery.

Erik stayed with Reagan in nursery just to make sure she did ok, especially since she usually naps around 11:30 and church starts at 11:00 now. She did really well. When it was time for snacks, Reagan happened to be 4th out of 7 kids. As soon as Jordan Hansen started handing out the fruit snacks to the first kid, Reagan went nuts. She started yelling "Num, num, numinee, num num" (Num is for yummy and I WANT some) then she started chanting a series of "Pea, pea, pea, pea, pea!" (Please), "Go, Down, Go, pea, pea, go, down!" Basically she was saying any and all words, hoping that one of them would get her a fruit snack. By the time she got to Natalie Fluhman, who was right before her, she was desperate. Before the last fruit snack hit the napkin, Reagan had swiped one of hers and popped it into her mouth so fast that Natalie didn't even notice! Anyways, it turned out well and she was so tired that she passed out cold in the car before we left the church parking lot.


Ashley said...

I'm so glad Sarah is being such a fun & easy baby for you!!! Love these posts Jenny!! Keep them coming! =)

musson said...

What a character Reagan is! Oh, I love her! Sarah is such a cute baby and she has the cutest cheeks!

It is crazy how different your two girls have been. Which having them so different makes Sarah easy.

I hope you're adjusting well!

Udinks said...

ahhhh...i can't believe you are a mommy again!! how wonderful. she looks just darling and i can't believe how big reagan is! it is fun to keep it touch, you all look great!

Shannon said...

I hear ya on the church time. Being in nursery, I noticed a HUGE change from 9:00 church to 11:00 church (right at naptime). The kids have been soo much crazier, and so we all just look around and laugh, like WHAT HAPPENED! It's still pretty fun though I have to say. I sneak into nursery even when I'm not assigned for the week. Tsk tsk. I'm sure the other girls don't mind. All the other leaders are pregnant, so I think they appreciate it more than anything. Sorry for writing a book here! Glad Sarah's being so good for you!

Yorgasons said...

Jenny I am so glad that Sarah is so even tempered! Its helarious how different siblings can be but I think that it is a good thing that they are or you might never have more than one kid right? haha!! Well I am so glad that you guys are doing so well!!

Anonymous said...

I hope Reagan grows up to be a comedian because she is so good at it now!
You look great after just giving birth!

le said...

Hey Jenny, I found your blog on Shannon's blog roll. Mine is hapilly.blogspot.com
-lesli formerly hammond

Erica said...

I love Sarah's chubby cheeks, and I wish I could have a baby that has some too, maybe one day!