Thursday, March 5, 2009

So Frazzled...4th day of potty training. Help!

So I'm on the 4th day of potty training Reagan. Wow is this tough stuff! The first two days were pretty rough. She pooped in her underwear the first day but hasn't pooped since. We're going on three days here. Any suggestions?!?! I know this is a common problem when potty training but I'm desperate here. I know the longer she keeps it in, the more it is going to hurt when it does come. Which isn't going to help my plan, you know? She's peeing on the potty pretty good I guess. She never actually says "mommy, I need to go pee pee." I just put her on there now and then but for the last two days, she hasn't full out peed in her panties. Anyways, I could really use some tips or suggestions if any of you have run into a similar problem. Thanks! Oh and some prayers wouldn't hurt ;)


le said...

Prunes. If you feed them prunes they can't hold it in, start slow with the prunes, only a couple a day or you'll have problems. Plus lots of juice. Fruit snacks are the only way we ever make progress on the toilet. Toilet training is really hard work. But its way exciting when they start to get it. Toilet training is the worst of time and the best of times.

Jenny said...

Thanks! Before I read your message I actually gave her prunes. She immediately went poop on the potty after that! I know that the prunes hadn't gone through her system yet but I was sooooo happy! Things are going pretty well considering it's the 4th day. No accidents yesterday or today. Yay!

Christi said...

Oh, Kaitlyn did the same thing. So sucks, sorry. She also had a sore bum and the process just made it worse. I just stuck her in a diaper (it had been 4 days since she went!) and took her to the store. She got to choose a bag of candy. (I wasn't to sure about that afterwards, she choose suckers, smart girl). I told her I didn't care WHERE she pooped, potty or diaper but she HAD to poop to get a sucker. She did. Oh and we feed her lots of pears. Same result as prunes, but yummier. She did for a while only poop in a diaper, but eventually moved to the potty. She would just save it for nap time or bed time when she already had a diaper.
So that's my experience, hope it helps. Every kid is different.
Oh I agree with Le. Just only the 1st half of the sentance. Toilet training is the worst of times. Totally sucks. Good luck!

Ashley said...

Hi Jenny-
I just found your blog, your family is so cute! Your kid are getting so big! Hope all is well.