Saturday, September 6, 2008

Reagan's 2 Year and Sarah's 8 Month Stats

I'm posting these just so I can remember for future reference. I was 2 months late taking both girls in. Sarah was 20 lbs. and 28 1/2 inches long. That put her in the 85th percentile for her weight and the 90th for her height. A big girl! Reagan was 37 1/2 inches and 29 lbs. That put her off the charts for her height and the 75th percentile for her weight. So, it looks as if my girls are taking after me on the height. (I said that just to rile Erik up a bit).


kdance said...

Cuties! I've been way behind on check-ups for Evan. No idea what his stats are...

So, you're in Rexburg now? Awesome! Let's get together! One of my YW from Iowa (Jessica Howe--you probably didn't meet her) is going to BYUI (along with Rocio and Lexi, who were in your ward) are up there. Jessica has stayed with me a couple of times. I told her I'd have to come up there one of these days. If so, we'll hang out! Or, if you're in Poky, come see me!

Amanda Wilson said...

That is great. Did they have to get shots? I hate that. I am always excited to see the stats for Savannah but dread her getting shots. It's the worst. Maybe you are used to it since Sarah is your second. Glad to hear you are doing well.

Rosenl00fen said...

Hi, this might sounds wierd. But are you or your parents from Sweden/ Finland? Our Family namne is Rosenlöf and it´s not a very common name I think.

vine street said...

hey, its your cousin Kristen. Perry decided to go to medical I had to tell you and hopefully get some sympathy since I don't know how I am going to survive four years of medical school after two years in a PhD program.

Your little girls are so cute. I think you are doing a great job.

and about the potty training...I dont' know where to start with shaelynn either. she turned two in july...i'm scared to death.

Laura Garner said...

Ha ha! What a fun picture! I love those things!

musson said...

We're behind on Addie's too. Gotta love moving and finding new doctors.

I'm requesting a picture of Reagan. I miss that girl!

The Tomlinsons said...

Your family is so cute. My husband is your husbands cousan. I just came across your blog and thought it was so cute.

Erica said...

Wow! Sarah is probably a lot bigger than Gracen, you have such cute girls! Email me and I can send you instuctions for that minky blanket
I don't use this email any more, but I still check it occasionally.

Angela said...

NO biggie being late to the well checks. I figure if they're not sick and don't have issues then we'll get to it when convenient for me!

You really do have tall girls! You guys seem like you're doing so well and happy! I wish I could see your girls!